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Putting on a Show
Variety Show The John Carroll School
Bel Air, MD

What's the Big Idea?
Put on a variety show! John Carroll School's class of 2004 organized an elaborate one that spanned two nights. The school's variety show has been a yearly tradition that draws lots of students and their families and even brings back alumni. This year, they sold around 600 tickets!

The event involved nearly a third of the senior class. Some students helped to organize the event, some performed in the show, some worked as stage crew, and some even volunteered to serve as ushers and greeters.

Tips to take to the bank...
Tips to take to the bank... •   Hard work pays off. John Carroll's variety show required students to pitch their idea to the organizers, then rehearse for three weeks before the show - fifteen hours a week, too. The more effort you put into your fundraiser, the better your results are likely to be.

•   Tradition is a powerful thing. Think about ways you can tie your fundraiser to existing traditions at your school like homecoming or prom, or work to make your fundraiser memorable enough that it can become a tradition all its own.

•   Don't forget refreshments! Selling soda and snacks is a time-tested way to earn more money at performances. Just check out your local movie theater's popcorn prices! And selling refreshments doesn't take a ton of effort as long as you keep them simple.

There's more than one way to do it

•   Thomas S. Wooten High School organized a goofy lip-sync singing contest called Puttin' On the Hitz.

•   Frederick High School held a male beauty pageant, crowning one of their students Mr. Frederick High School.

->Check out other fun ideas

© 2004 Sense & Dollars – Maryland Public Television
11767 Owings Mills Blvd., Owings Mills, MD 21117 / Phone: 410-356-5600