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Community Happenings
Petting Zoo North Caroline
High School
Hampstead, MD

What's the Big Idea?
Raise some money with the help of some barnyard animals! North Caroline's class of 2005 organized a petting zoo in conjunction with their area's yearly Strawberry Festival. It only cost a dollar to see a Shetland pony, a dairy goat, a spotted rabbit, and a gaggle of ducklings. The zoo provided an easy way for parents to get some downtime, as the animals were a huge draw for little kids.

Almost all of the animals in the zoo belonged to the class secretary - the goat was on loan from her neighbor. The enclosures that kept the animals from running off were donated by the community, too, so all of the fundraiser's costs were covered right from the beginning. It was quite a success!

Tips to take to the bank...
Tips to take to the bank... •   Play to your strengths. Think about what unique skills and resources your school and your fellow students have that could make an interesting fundraiser - and what might not work. If you live in Baltimore City, for example, borrowing a goat from your neighbor might be a losing proposition. But no matter where you live, there are a bunch of possibilities you can pursue. Be creative!

•   Remember the weather. Whenever you plan an outdoors event, you have to keep in mind that the weather might turn bad, which will really put a damper on business. Think about having a rain date, or maybe make arrangements for tents or other coverings that will keep you and your customers dry.

•   Keep control. There's nothing worse than an out-of-control petting zoo. Even if you aren't planning to mix ponies and little kids, there are often things that could ruin your fundraiser if they get out of hand. Think about setting a few ground rules that will keep the big day running smoothly.

There's more than one way to do it

•   Our Lady of the Rosary High School had a lemonade stand at a community Polish ethnic festival.

->Check out other fun ideas

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