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Food and Fun
McPanther Meals Paint Branch High School
Burtonsville, MD

What's the Big Idea?
Sell hot lunches! Paint Branch High recently moved to an open lunch policy, which had two effects. First, seniors were allowed to get lunch off-campus with the permission of their parents. But more importantly, it meant that the rest of the students - roughly 1,500 - would all be eating at the same time.

To help the school's lunch staff deal with all these hungry students, students started selling McPanther Meals. The meals, named after Paint Branch's mascot, consisted of a hot dog, bag of potato chips, and a can of soda. They sold for $2.25 each, and it only cost 75¢ to produce a meal, so after only three weeks of selling the meals, $1,260 was raised!

Tips to take to the bank...
Tips to take to the bank... •   Solve someone's problems and you've got it made. The McPanther Meals solved an obvious problem at the school: who wants to wait in a long line for a school lunch? Think about what problems your own school and community face, and how you can use creativity to create a fundraiser that fills a need.

•   Price carefully. McPanther Meals were 40¢ more expensive than a regular school lunch - so if they didn't seem worth the extra money, the whole fundraiser could've bombed. Think carefully about what price is reasonable for your fundraiser.

•   Streamline where you can. When there's a bunch of hungry people waiting for your product, a small mix-up can turn into a huge problem. Be as organized as you can with your fundraiser - plan ahead of time so that everyone knows what their role is.

There's more than one way to do it

•   Ivymount School ran a school cafe that served breakfast each morning.

->Check out other fun ideas

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11767 Owings Mills Blvd., Owings Mills, MD 21117 / Phone: 410-356-5600